2011-09-22 - to Kingston, NY

We now have our mast on and are back in business.  We were the first in line to get our mast on this morning.  We worked busily re-attaching all the lines and finished off with a deck scrub.  After going through all of the locks, Hi-5 was ready for a ‘bath’. It felt great to be put back together.   There is another family here with 3 children and I think that they are planning of being out for 5 years!?  Connor was thrilled when we arrived, as we haven’t met any other boats on our trip so far.  When we arrived, however, the children all spoke French only.  Connor really wanted to try to play, but couldn’t get past the fact that his French couldn’t pull him through.  The good thing is that it gave him the understanding of the importance of learning the other language.  I hope that it sparks some more enthusiasm.  It was interesting this morning, is I could hear a recorded English lesson coming from their boat.  I think it would have been great to switch kids for a while...I teach their kids, English and they teach Connor, French.   I think it would have been a great opportunity.

We had lunch at the marina restaurant.  The waitress was glad to have guests as, she explained, some people are staying away because of the flooding.  Their whole restaurant was filled with water but they worked tirelessly, to dry things out and get things running again.  Evidence of the flooding was apparent.  The wooden floor was warped or boards were missing but, we had a wonderful lunch and headed out for a 4-hour motor down the Hudson River.  There was a lot of debris still on the river.  Nothing large, like floating boats, see  http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=UCN9f6bcpO0  but odd things such as propane tanks, hats, barrels, etc.  The vegetation (logs and grasses) were also prevalent.  We had to stop every 30 minutes or so to clear the propellers even though Kerry was doing his best to steer around!   As we turned up the creek into Kingston harbour, we saw this bald eagle sitting at the waters edge. We landed in Kingston, NY at 6:30pm, and enjoyed a quick dinner and Connor stayed for over an hour on the harness out front. 

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