2011-10-17 - in Solomons Island, MD

Enjoying the 'touch tank' -
turtles, horsehoe crabs, starfish, urchins

Dylan tickles a starfish!
We have heard that Solomons Island was a place to stay so we decided to have a break and enjoy the place for the day instead of moving on.  We mostly spent time at the Calvert Marine Museum.  We are anchored just outside the dinghy dock so it was a very short little skip and we were there.  It was again a great way to spend a Monday - on a field trip.  It was such a great learning museum.  At each station, there was an interpreter that would give an overview and ask any questions.  It was very thorough and Connor asked so many great questions.  It was great.  The main areas were a sting ray tank, fossils, and local ecology.  There was also another fabulous lighthouse.  This area is very rich in fossils and we learned how the Chesapeake was formed over the millions of years and how the sediments were laid down in the cliffs.  One great surprise was when the other boat, Larose des Vents arrived at the museum.  They had also arrived in Solomons yesterday.  They had also met another family from a boat that is participating in the Caribbean 1500.  This is a 10 day (or so, with weather) trip across the Atlantic to the British Virgin Islands.  The best thing is that you travel with several hundred boats all going in the same direction and you have the support of the travellers and organizers.  I met Julie from that boat, and she explained the details.  It sounds very interesting but 10 days at sea....not so sure. :)  
digging for sharks teeth and other fossils in the sand pit!

Connor's getting right into it!

Getting 1:1 instruction on fossil preparation

Whoah!  say no more....

Another great day!!

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