2012-02-22 - to Warderick Wells (Emerald Rock) via Compass Cay

We woke up to a very calm mooring field at Cambridge Cay.  We had a brief look around the boat for more sharks, but none were to be seen.  The busy waters from last night, were clear and, seemingly, absent from any sea life.  We decided to head to shore for a hike to the other side.  It was another lovely surf beach which had it's share of plastics (unfortunately) that had been corralled by cruisers and bagged for later pick-up.  We made it a shorter hike as we had planned to head to compass Cay for one last visit.  We had been there just before New Years and Connor has not stopped raving about the excitement he had swimming with the sharks there.  We had to let him have one more day with them.  Plus we enjoyed talking with the family that runs the marina.  They all seem so nice and are so kind to Dylan and Connor.  So, we anchored just outside the marina to take advantage of their day rates of $8 per person.  We are headed up to the Abacos now so we needed to put some miles under the hull to hit the window of travel on Friday to Eleuthera.  So, we just couldn't fit in staying the night.  the men remembered u right away and we settled into our 'Coompass Cay' experience.  The marina was full of mega-yachts. Connor  had another great day with the sharks.  One actually took a little nibble on his fin.  Connor needed to be pulled out of the water by 2:30 today so that we could get a few hour in on the banks to get us closer for heading to the to of Eleuthera on Friday.  The banks were dead calm.  The water was clear down to the bottom with an occasional ripple.  Sometimes you do have to pinch yourself.  It was beautiful.  We set anchor just outside the Warderick Wells park office  just as the sun was attempting to set in the sky.  Tomorrow we are going to do 5-6 hours to Allens Cay .

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