2012-04-23 - to Georgetown, SC

 After retreiving both of our anchors we were off again ready to start another day.  As usual I spent most of the day inside doing school, etc. and Kerry handled the helm.  It was very gusty today - sometimes gusting to 25 knots.  From inside, I could feel the boat pull forward, move quickly for a minute and then slow down (Kerry later said that he saw 9.5 knots during the gusts). Later in the day we actually felt the boat heel over (just a little)!  We arrived in Georgetown at 5:30pm  
searching inside a tree for Geocache #8
and decided to land at the town dock.  We were here for last Hallowe'en and had fun in the town.   Connor and I checked the geocache website and found that there were 3 geocaches that were close by.  With GPS in hand...Connor lead me to each one.  He found all 3 as well!  We are so cold now that we are all digging out our long pants, sweaters and (gasp!) socks. 

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