2012-05-24 - to Sylvan Beach, NY

The first lock this morning was clogged with large trees and debris just before the gates.   There was one other boat (the only one we have met so far on the canals) that would be travelling with us in the lock.  They too had to coast through the debris.  I stood on the bow and used the boat hook to send some of the bigger ones moving. Kerry stayed at the helm and guided us in with little use of the engines so that our props wouldn't get damaged.     The picture above shows the mass of debris that was trapped under the hull of the boat.  When we stopped to tie onto the side of the lock, this square mass of debris came floating out.   The rest of the day went very well.  We have really been timing the locks well.  Kerry calls ahead and gives them just enough time to drain and open the doors - we just coast in, tie on, and away we go.  We arrived at the last point before Lake Oneida at 5:00om at a place called Sylvan Beach.  It's a 'seaside' resort complete with an amusement park.  This park is different, however.  It looks as if it is a place time forgot.   Everything look original from the 1940-50's.  At first, it didn't look open but Connor was thrilled it was when we told him.  He ended up doing all of the rides including his first time on a big roller coaster and bumper cars!  We basically had the whole park to ourselves as only a handful of people were there.  There were 4 workers for 7 rides.  They just followed him around and ran the rides for him.  He had such a good time.

Connor 'stuck' to the wall of the "Rotor"

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